CANA Welcome in brief
Successful married life is an adventure! How to improve it? How to build it on solid foundations and how to strengthen your relationship?
To help couples and the pastoral care for families, the CANA mission of the Chemin Neuf community has launched CANA Welcome: a journey for couples wishing to build a harmonious and solid love life, led by couples. This programme, based on improving communication, is lived in an autonomous and flexible way in a convivial environment.
As a couple, this programme allows you to:
- Address the issues of everyday married life without taboos
- Improve your communication, experience dialogue and deepen your relationship
- Understand the secrets of a successful married life
- Taste the spiritual dimension of your union in a convivial setting
And so, to have a more fulfilling life together as well as for the good of the children, with the children having their full place.
For who?
Any man and woman couple, married or not, more or less religious, can experience CANA Welcome. Although the programme is of Christian inspiration, no certificate of baptism or degree in theology is necessary to participate! Experience shows that it is particularly relevant to couples between 25 and 40 years of age, when many are going through their first years of life together – often the most perilous.
Here is an example:
6.30 p.m: dinner altogether: a convivial time.
Potluck dinner… and informal exchange of news.
7:15 pm: talk by one of the couples (10 to 15 minutes maximum).
This is not a teaching, it is an introduction to the theme of the evening. A framework for each talk is proposed. Care is taken to keep to the timing.
7:30 pm: couple time, the heart of the evening
Couples take time together to discuss the topic of the evening.
8 pm: sharing time
8:45pm: agreement of the next meeting date.
9 pm: end of the official evening.